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Fig. 1 | Behavioral and Brain Functions

Fig. 1

From: Enhancement of neurogenesis and cognition through intranasal co-delivery of galanin receptor 2 (GALR2) and neuropeptide Y receptor 1 (NPY1R) agonists: a potential pharmacological strategy for cognitive dysfunctions

Fig. 1

Evaluating Spatial Memory Following Combined Intranasal Administration of NPY1R and GALR2 Agonists in the Object-in-Place Memory Task a A schematic representation of the sequential phases in the object-in-place memory task, spaced 24 h apart. The habituation phase allows for free exploration without objects for ten minutes. The training phase then introduces four different objects for a three-minute exploration period. Finally, the test phase involves a three-minute exploration with two of the original objects switched in position. b Performance metrics for the object-in-place task, demonstrating the capacity of rats to discern the switched objects after three weeks of intranasal infusion with NPY1R and GALR2 agonists. Notably, the co-administration of M1145 (Galanin 2 receptor agonist, 132 µg) and NPY1R (Y1R receptor agonist [Leu31-Pro34]NPY, 132 µg) resulted in improved performance on the object-in-place task. However, this enhancement was counteracted by the addition of M871 (GALR2 antagonist, 132 µg). Data are expressed as the mean ± SEM of the discrimination ratio during the test phase, based on a sample size of 6 animals per group. *p < 0.05, indicating a significant difference compared to the rest of the groups, as determined by one-way ANOVA and post-hoc Newman–Keuls test. Abbreviations: Control = Distilled water; M1145 = Galanin 2 receptor agonist 132 µg; Y1R = NPY1R receptor agonist [Leu31-Pro34]NPY 132 µg; M1145 + Y1R = Co-administration of M1145 and NPY1R; M1145 + Y1R + M871 = Co-administration of M1145, Y1R and GALR2 antagonist M871, 132 µg.

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